What Makes Filipino Values Unique
Baynosa, Noel B. BS-Criminology 2 (Block-C) CFLM 1 T-TH 9:00-10:30 Unit 3-Activity 1 “What Makes Filipino Values Unique” Filipino people are unique and have an attitude that makes other people from other countries proud of us. When we ask foreigners what they like the most about us Filipinos they will say that we are generous, joyful, and respectful. Now when we say values, it is a person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life. And before explaining what makes Filipino values unique, I will give first what Filipino values we have obtained until now. What are the 16 Filipino values ? They are unity, patriotism, work, respect for life, respect for law and government, truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, peace, promotion of the common good, and concern for the family and future Generations. There were 16 Filipino values that the Filipino people practice and give importance to it until now....