Baynosa, Noel B. 

BS-Criminology II

CLFM 1 T-Th 9:00 AM-10:30 AM

                                            “How to Develop a Strong Character”

As a human being, it is important to develop a good character for the self, family, and friends. Having a good character defines how respectful, helpful, and trustworthy we are not just to ourselves but to others that are around us. A person with a good character is a better example to everyone. If a person has good character, it means that the person is worthy to be a leader.

To develop a strong character, the person must fulfill his duties and obligations. By doing his activities before the due date, by giving trust to everyone, being determined to do his tasks without hesitations, dealing with and respecting others' cultures, giving respect to one another, by making his words into actions, and by taking responsibility for his actions.

A strong character can be earned by allowing yourself to explore and determine which is good or bad. But the best way to have a strong character is to always make the right things for ourselves and for others who are around us.


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