What Makes Filipino Values Unique

Baynosa, Noel B.

BS-Criminology 2 (Block-C)

CFLM 1 T-TH 9:00-10:30

Unit 3-Activity 1


“What Makes Filipino Values Unique”


Filipino people are unique and have an attitude that makes other people from other countries proud of us. When we ask foreigners what they like the most about us Filipinos they will say that we are generous, joyful, and respectful.

Now when we say values, it is a person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life. And before explaining what makes Filipino values unique, I will give first what Filipino values we have obtained until now.

What are the 16 Filipino values? They are unity, patriotism, work, respect for life, respect for law and government, truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, peace, promotion of the common good, and concern for the family and future Generations. 

There were 16 Filipino values that the Filipino people practice and give importance to it until now. And that makes Filipino values unique because we still do it and will always do it and that behavior will be passed on to the next generation.

Filipino people are always united. We are one for the country and we keep on doing unity no matter what instances because we know that having unity can make us live happily and peacefully. We also have the patriotism in which we Filipino are devoted and loved our country no matter what our history. Work, the Filipino people are hardworking and always find ways to work to provide for their daily needs and wants in life. Respect for life, since the Filipino people are religious, we tend to not commit suicide or kill someone because we know how valuable the given life from Our Lord to us. Respect for law and government, in this part, Filipino people have always obeyed what are the laws and give respect always to the government because we know that respecting them is a great thing and by doing this, we can have a safe and sound country for everyone wherein we can live in sympathy and no worry. Truth, Filipino people are very honest and truthful, we always say what is right and what is wrong because we know that the truth will set us free. Justice, justice is one of the important things that we must have. This thing is connected to the truth, because when we say what is the truth then we can have the justice that we aim to be. And then Freedom, Filipino people have the freedom to speak, voice out, and say what they want to deliver to someone. Not just in saying but also in doing actions. But Filipino people use their freedom in a good way wherein no one will be hurt or misunderstood. Love is the center of everything for every Filipino people.

Filipino people are loveable, they always give love and share the love with everyone. They love everything that surrounds them. Filipino people will do everything in the name of love. Equality and Peace matter to the Filipino people because they know that being equal to everybody can make life peaceful. And the last two are the promotion of the common good, and concern for the family and future Generations. These two things are the foundation because we all know that it begins with an open mind, a heart that prioritizes the welfare of others over one's own, and a strong attachment to one's country. And when we have a concern about our family and future generations, we know that we should pass to them the Filipino values that we have because we know that it will help them to be a better person and they will have a wonderful life.

          And this makes the Filipino Values unique because until now and then we still practice, promote, and share them with everyone. We know these things from our ancestors, and we will pass them on to the next generations. We have the values that we care about, give importance to, and love it. These values make us who we are and make other countries proud of us.





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