BAYNOSA,NOEL B. BLOCK-C CLFM1 (UNIT 2-ASESSMENT 1) Ethnic Nationalism - Many individuals around the world base their sense of national identification on factors including race, language, kinship, and the overall culture of the country they belong to. Ethnonationalism is the practice of constructing national identity along these principles. Every nation has encountered ethnonationalism at some point. Expansionist nationalism - All facets of liberal nationalism are rejected by expansionist nationalism. The right to national self-determination is the most notable principle that expansionist nationalism denies. Expansionist nationalism also opposes variety, inclusivity, and social advancement. The chauvinistic mindset and jingoistic words that define expansionist nationalism. Occasionally, political leaders who recognize the inherent benefits of generating and identifying a scapegoat use this aggressive demeanor towards others. Cultural nationalism - Cultur...