Directions: Make a blog about the ways you think to lessen, if not eliminate the negative

consequences of multinational corporations. Submit your work in the pigeon boxes which are

provided in your department/college or publish your blog on a webpage and turn in the link to

the Google class on or before the date as reflected on your study schedule. See rubrics on

blogging page 64.



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                        A Multinational Corporation is managed by a mother company based in a specific country, and it is required to comply with all of the requirements imposed by that country in order to avoid future negative consequences brought about by negligence and failure to follow the instructions of the government. Recognizing that Multinational Corporations should not be active participants in our political processes is the single most essential thing we can do to reduce the harm they do. Right today, major businesses (whether multinational or not) have excessive influence over the political process, diverting it away from the demands of the (natural) people via enormous campaign donations. Lincoln summed it just well. In order to achieve "government of the people, by the people, for the people," rather than "government of the corporations, by the corporations, and for the corporations," is required.



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